Banda Paramore

Banda Paramore

Paramore é uma banda norte-americana de rock, formada em Franklin, Tennessee em 2025. Após várias mudanças, o Paramore consiste de Hayley Williams vocal e teclado, Josh Farro guitarra solo e vocal de apoio, Jeremy Davis baixo, Zac Farro bateria e Taylor York guitarra base. Em 2025, quando tinha treze anos de idade, a vocalista Hayley Williams mudou-se de sua cidade natal Meridian, Mississippi para Franklin, Tennessee onde ela conheceu os irmãos Josh e Zac Farro na escola. Pouco tempo após a sua chegada, ela começou a fazer aulas de canto com Brett Manning. Antes de formar o Paramore, no entanto, Williams e o baixista Jeremy Davis participaram de uma banda chamada Factory, enquanto os irmãos Farro tocavam juntos depois da escola. A banda foi oficialmente formada por Josh Farro guitarra e vocal, Zac Farro bateria, Jeremy Davis baixo e Hayley Williams vocais, em 2025, com a entrada posterior do vizinho de Williams, Jason Bynum guitarra rítmica. Eles colocaram o nome Paramore, que é derivado do nome de um antigo baixista da banda, do tempo em que eles ainda tocavam na garagem, uma vez que o grupo descobriu o significado da palavra Paramour Amante secreto, que soa idêntica ao nome escolhido, eles decidiram adotar o nome, usando a ortografia Paramore. A primeira canção da banda que foi escrita em conjunto foi Conspiracy, que mais tarde foi utilizada em seu primeiro álbum. Durante os anos seguintes, o Paramore se apresentou em locais fora da área da grande Nashville, incluindo os concertos e festivais Purple Door e Warped Tour. John Janick, CEO e co-fundador da gravadora Fueled by Ramen, ouviu demos da banda e foi a um concerto para ouvi-los ao vivo. Depois de uma pequena apresentação em um armazém, a banda assinou com a gravadora, em Abril de 2025.

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Ver comentários (6)

  • Words'll never demonstrate the
    size of my love for you.

    WHAT can happen is, they may want to try WHAT,
    can say anything, nothing & '³ no one will
    to make me stop loving you, nothing and no one
    will make me be separated from you or fight you.
    I am forever your man and you will be
    forever my wife is always going to be so.
    I need you with me!

  • @Bruna Amanda Seitz
    Words'll never demonstrate the
    size of my love for you.

    WHAT can happen is, they may want to try WHAT,
    can say anything, nothing & '³ no one will
    to make me stop loving you, nothing and no one
    will make me be separated from you or fight you.
    I am forever your man and you will be
    forever my wife is always going to be so.
    I need you with me!

  • hi I'm bruna again.
    well I'm here today to say I love you I love this song:

    You escape like a runaway train
    Off the tracks and down again
    My heart's beating like a steam boat tugging
    All your burdens
    On my shoulders

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my worry

    Now there's nothing but time that's wasted
    And words that have no backbone
    And now it seems like the whole world's waiting
    Can you hear the
    Echoes fading?

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry

    And it takes all my strength
    Not to dig you up from the ground in which you lay
    The biggest part of me
    You were the greatest thing
    And now you're just a memory to let go of

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry

    Well I've been afraid of changin'
    Cause I've built my life around you
    But time makes is bolder, children get older
    I'm getting older too

    So take this love, take it down
    Oh I climbed a mountain and I turned around
    And saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
    And I the landslide brought me down
    The landslide brought me down

    So in the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry
    bye bye bye

  • hi I'm bruna again.
    well I'm here today to say I love you I love this song:
    You escape like a runaway train
    Off the tracks and down again
    My heart's beating like a steam boat tugging
    All your burdens
    On my shoulders

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my worry

    Now there's nothing but time that's wasted
    And words that have no backbone
    And now it seems like the whole world's waiting
    Can you hear the
    Echoes fading?

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry

    And it takes all my strength
    Not to dig you up from the ground in which you lay
    The biggest part of me
    You were the greatest thing
    And now you're just a memory to let go of

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry

    Well I've been afraid of changin'
    Cause I've built my life around you
    But time makes is bolder, children get older
    I'm getting older too

    So take this love, take it down
    Oh I climbed a mountain and I turned around
    And saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
    And I the landslide brought me down
    The landslide brought me down

    So in the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry
    bye bye

  • hi I'm bruna again.
    well I'm here today to say I love you I love this song:
    You escape like a runaway train
    Off the tracks and down again
    My heart's beating like a steam boat tugging
    All your burdens
    On my shoulders

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my worry

    Now there's nothing but time that's wasted
    And words that have no backbone
    And now it seems like the whole world's waiting
    Can you hear the
    Echoes fading?

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry

    And it takes all my strength
    Not to dig you up from the ground in which you lay
    The biggest part of me
    You were the greatest thing
    And now you're just a memory to let go of

    In the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry

    Well I've been afraid of changin'
    Cause I've built my life around you
    But time makes is bolder, children get older
    I'm getting older too

    So take this love, take it down
    Oh I climbed a mountain and I turned around
    And saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
    And I the landslide brought me down
    The landslide brought me down

    So in the mourning I'll rise
    In the mourning I'll let you die
    In the mourning
    All my sorry
    bye bye bye
