Selena Marie Gomez Grand Prairie, Texas, 22 de julho de 1992 é uma atriz, cantora e compositora norte americana. Seu papel de destaque é o de Alex Russo na nova série do Disney Channel, Os Feiticeiros de Waverly Place. Selena também tem uma carreira de cantora e já gravou duas músicas para Walt Disney Records, Cruella de Vil e Fly To Your Heart. Além disso, no dia 29 de setembro de 2025, estreou o seu primeiro álbum solo, Kiss & Tell, que vendeu 66.000 cópias na primeira semana de lançamento, e em 21 de Junho de 2025 protagonizou o filme Disney Channel, Programa de Proteção para Princesas, ao lado de Demi Lovato.
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So my biggest dream is to meet you and justin biber more I can not travel alone because I tenhi poriço over 11 years I do not desitisto my sonhor: As you already know my name is isabelle i love you and your husband is Justin foturo I was in swou bieber justin bieber gave no more as I go on your why I traveled. More leaves next to who knows: I lived in RIO DE JANEIRO then I came to live in VITORIA not GLORIA: I was very sad because it's just very annoying you know = (masi maybe I'll have to know I have faith in God that one day I'll have you know one day you and Justin are the best couple in the world I hope you never breaks up: May God bless you TWO PRA SEMPREEEE. BJS love you guys!
So my biggest dream is to meet you and justin biber more I can not travel alone because I tenhi poriço over 11 years I do not desitisto my sonhor: As you already know my name is isabelle i love you and your husband is Justin foturo I was in swou bieber justin bieber gave no more as I go on your why I traveled. More leaves next to who knows: I lived in RIO DE JANEIRO then I came to live in VITORIA not GLORIA: I was very sad because it's just very annoying you know = (masi maybe I'll have to know I have faith in God that one day I'll have you know one day you and Justin are the best couple in the world I hope you never breaks up: May God bless you TWO PRA SEMPREEEE. BJS love you guys!
HI selana gomes isabelle aki is I'm super fan of yours I want to say a words with you is very beautiful and wonderful when you get justin bieber is more fluffy and you inda cata q nacaram it seems to be with him rsrsrsrs it is q I wanted to tell you I love you and love bjs justin bieber ....
hi Graziele hopefully achieve.
Fan thanks for being Faso since this work so that people will love it, bye. kisses ...
oi selena meu colegas disseram q eu sou igualsinha a vc sem uma duvida a eu tenho uma voz linda queria q tu ouvisse e eu tenho uma musica q eu compus pra ti e para a miley e meu sonho sempre quis ser famosa ta bj i love mirra kkkkkk